
Our Programmes

We offer events, workshops, and immersive programmes.

Our programmes enable a career management plan and accountability support; workshops tackle career transition challenges; our events engage multiple partners in providing bespoke solutions in collaborative working and career management.

Immersive Programmes

Transitioning out of a Doctorate

Five, 2-hour workshops, one 40-minute coaching session + 4 hours of solo work over 6 weeks

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs
For: Final year PhDs, PGRs and ECRs
  • A transformative career management programme to increase awareness of PhD transition challenges, reduce procrastination around thesis write up, support focus and motivation.

    The workshop enables participants to:

    • Understand transition trends, common experiences, and challenges
    • Build relationships of support and accountability
    • Lead on professional development and wellbeing needs
    • Create a 6-month career strategy for efficient progress.
    Cost: University and individual prices available on request.
Progressing within a Research Environment

One, 2-hour workshop, Five half-day workshops, 1-2-1 executive coaching and email support, action learning sets and evaluation report.

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs
For: ECRs and Academic Staff
  • An extensive programme utilising a combination of workshops, case studies, group and individual coaching to enable participants to understand how to progress their careers within the unique environment of academia. 

    The workshop enables participants to:

    • Understand the research system and challenges within academic career development
    • Improve motivation, engagement, and clarify a sense of meaning in work
    • Lead on professional development and wellbeing needs
    • Create a 6-month career strategy for efficient progress.
    Cost: University and individual prices available on request
Switching Careers during Covid

Six 2-hour workshops, one coaching session + eight hours of solo work for up to 20 participants.
Who Pays: Individuals
For: Career Switchers and Entrepreneurs 
  • This programme facilitates career exploration, analysis, and planning. It enables an interruption, raises awareness of career options and personal needs, and supports focus and motivation. The result is a robust career management strategy and a community of peers to offer support and accountability. The combination of structured individual and group work, individual tutorials, collaborative research, and peer coaching enable an engaging experience with powerful results.
    • Develop awareness and clarity around career options
    • Plan using career-management strategies
    • Increase motivation and focus
    • Build relationships of support and accountability
    Structure: Six 2-hour workshops, one coaching session + eight hours of solo work for up to 20. Cost: Organisation and individual price available on request
Executive Coaching

Six, 1 hour coaching sessions 

Who Pays: Universities, DTCs and individuals
For: Late-stage PGRs, PhDs, staff and career switchers 
  • Create solutions to complex problems, evaluate and initiate decisions efficiently, increase motivation and confidence
    Coaching provides:
    • A space to explore and navigate limiting beliefs blocking progress
    • Increase awareness and motivation through psychometric assessments
    • Create solutions to complex problems such as staff conflict, lack of motivation and overwhelm
    • Utalise tools to create and implement a career management strategy
    Structure: Our package of 6 sessions for staff includes a free chemistry call, an optional 3-way meeting and email support. We offer flexibility in the number of sessions and duration. Micro 30-minute slots can be a convenient introduction to coaching and enable fast outcomes. 1.5-hour sessions allow for more transformational work. Cancelation is possible at any point.
    We are fully qualified and regulated executive coaches, experienced in working in the university / education sector within the area of career transition and management.
    Cost: Available on request


Route to Clarity

2-hour workshop

Gain an understanding of the career transition process and explore future career options.

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs, or Individuals

For: All groups of participants

  • The workshop provides:

    • A practical three-part process to kick-start career management
    • Information around professional options
    • A set of tools to support the exploration of future career options

    Our post-pack provides additional career management tools to widen participants’ professional options.

    Prices: Available on request
Utilising Your Doctorate

2-hour workshop

Explore your skills, the value of these for potential employers and learn career management tools.

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs

For: Late stage PGRs and PhDs

  • The workshop provides:  
    • Tools to identify transferable skills acquired
    • A space to contemplate the potential value of these skills
    • Information around career management tools.

    Our post-pack provides additional career management tools to help develop participants’ transferable skills and support planning.


    Prices: Available on request

Networking with Industry

2-hour workshop

Learn how to leverage your current networks and develop a networking strategy.

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs, or Individuals

For: PhDs, ECRs and Career Switchers

  • The workshop provides:

    • An approach to map current networks

    • Information around networking challenges and tools

    • Tools to develop a networking strategy.


    Our post-pack provides participants with tools to implement a networking strategy.


    Prices: Available on request

Present with Confidence

2-hour workshop

Discover your authentic presence, build confidence in your presentation skills and successfully engage your audience.

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs, or Individuals

For: All groups of participants

  • The workshop provides:

    • A set of tools to conquer presentation nerves
    • A space to develop confidence in presentation skills
    • A more enjoyable delivery and overall experience

    Our post-pack provides participants with the tools to apply learning to an upcoming presentation.

    Prices: Available on request
Manage your Doctorate

2-hour workshop

Identify the skills you will develop, consider the value of these for employers and learn career management tools.

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs

For: Early-stage PGRs and PhDs

  • The workshop provides:  
    • Tools to identify transferable skills being acquired

    • A space to contemplate the potential value of these skills

    • Information around career management tools.


    Our post-pack provides additional career management tools to help develop participants’ transferable skills.


    Prices: Available on request

Interview Preparation

1.5-hour 1-1 Session

Learn how to prepare and excel at competency-based interviews with tailored support and guidance.

Who Pays: Universities & DTCs, or Individuals

For: Late-stage PGRs, PhDs, staff and career switchers

  • The workshop provides:  
    • Assessment of interview requirements and tailored support to meet these in a focused and efficient way
    • Information around how competency-based interviews are assessed 
    • Tools to develop a set of interview resources that can be used over several appointments 

    Our post-pack provides information on how on how competency-based interviews are assessed and how to prepare.


    Prices: Available on request


Bespoke Collaboration Events

One-off, in-person events

Immersive knowledge transfer experiences, tailored to open up collaborations, provide opportunities for impact, generate income and raise new areas of research activity that are needs led. 
  • Events provide:
    • A platform to showcase research and research impact
    • An understanding of current research and innovation in the sector
    • An opportunity to identify sector needs, areas of overlap and process
    • The development of a shared language to tackle collaboration challenges and enable efficient outcomes
    Each event is supported by a specially designed workbook to guide participants though the structure and content of the session. We work together to codesign events with universities and other providers to suit needs, budget and desired outcomes.
    Cost: Vary depending upon scope and need

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